The Worlds Best Real Estate Market?

by shirleyporter on April 7, 2009

OK if you are in any way similar to me you will be fed up with hearing about how bad things are. The press is bombarding us with negative news about the economy and the mess we are in. ENOUGH ALREADY!I just returned from Atlantic Canada and feel like a  HUGE weight has been removed. Its like I took a deep breath and my lungs filled with fresh clean air. Easy to do in this spectacular part of the world but my relief came from just interacting with our peeps in the region. After spending 3 days with nearly 300 agents and brokers I am revitalized with a  major POSITIVE and OPTIMISTIC feeling. In my opinion they must be experiencing  the BEST real estate market in the WORLD.  The market is steamin in Newfoundland and Labrador and the markets in Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick  are all looking at new development and growth. The mood here seems uncorrupted by the negativeness we are exposed to daily here in Ontario.Hey Atlantic Canada may not have the best market in world but if it looks like its the best and feels like its the best………Need I say more?

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