New Orleans

October 2003

cemetery 2.JPG

cemetary 1.JPG

band one.JPG

street band.JPG

Copy of band one.JPG

burbon street band.JPG

french quarter.JPG


cafe du monde.JPG

louie and friends.JPG

more balconies.JPG

cajun boat.JPG

alligator one.JPG

alligator two.JPG

naturalist and friend.JPG

alligator close.JPG

the bayou.JPG

alley sitting on log.JPG

very close alligator.JPG

spanish moss.JPG

where is my key.JPG

jo and hat.JPG

shirl on burbon street.JPG

hats are us.JPG

travel buddies.JPG

professional women.JPG

horses in waiting.JPG

view through the fence.JPG

decorated for halloween.JPG

beautiful balconies.JPG